Reading about this, oblivious to their politics, I wish our military grew some balls and put these corrupt bastards in jail

Again . Dude. Your statement lacks in the knowledge of army and Nepali politics.

Rajendra Chettri was a corrupt COAS. If the top is rotten it will trickle down to the bottom.

Purna Chandra Thapa on the other hand, is a person i extremely admire. He's humble, and he's set an example at army.

His statements are true, and he does not hide behind a facade. He challenged the government to think why Nepal's army are resigning at an alarming rate. He also stated all his property (maybe the first COAS to do so) in an effort that people can see how much he's earned after, or to show he will not be corrupt.

He also stopped setting ma UN army jane system, which the general personnel in the army was really thankful for.

If you write such stupid statements without backing any of it, there's no point having a reasonable discussion with you.

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