The reality distortion field: can it be effective?

Wtf dude? Ok... So in your 30s no experience with women, not very many achievements, developmental issues, learning problems, your looks are average e.t.c... What is the comanality between all these self judgments? Your basing your sense of self worth externally on things you have absolutely no control over, you cannot go back in time, you cannot change your learning problems e.t.c My first tip is to stop judging yourself and to stop telling yourself stories, just let go of that shit... What is that who you are? Your developmental issues or the fact you havnt banged many chicks at 30, is that who you are? No it is not but you are turning that into who you are and basing your sense of self worth on it, quit that shit ... And you want to repeat to yourself basically "I think I am a piece of shit but I don't care" until you start to believe it?... Common my man... "Status" wtf is status, forget terminologies like this nonsense and just go out and practice socialising with chicks... No wander you are having trouble with girls look at the way you are talking to yourself my man... "No status loser in his 30s", you are what you think you are, you are not a loser but by repeatedly telling yourself that you are a loser, you actually have started to believe that you are a loser... And the way you see yourself internally 100% reflects what you show to the world externally and that is why you are having issues... No I do not reccomend you use that mantra, I really reccomend you to work on the way you talk to yourself man, start reading some positive thinking books, that's a good start to understand how they way you are talking to yourself is effecting you negatively... Nothing is wrong with you, you are literally just getting in your own way with all this habitual negative self judgments you have ingrained into your subconcious mind, you are a man, naturally you are able to get it on with a chick (that you have chemistry with) but that will not happen unless you change the way you think about yourself and the way you talk to yourself, you don't need to change all you need to do is get out of your own way... Start reading books on positive thinking, your subconcious mind and your self image... If you learn about this stuff and apply what you learn it would probably help you out more that going out and doing pick up (but still go out obviously)... Other than that stop judging yourself, stop telling yourself petty stories, stop clinging on to things you have no control over and making them your identity and stop basing how you feel about yourself externally... Start looking from within... I'd also recommend a new earth and the power of now... Check those books out they will explain all these issues you are having with your thinking crystal clear Good luck my man

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