I really wish I could run Abyssals with NO reward just for practice.

Yeah honestly thats probably a big thing that makes me hate them. The t3 guardians all do literally nothing in comparison. T2 are actually absurdly hard by comparison. I still have groups wipe on my alt to the fox. I've literally gone 6 minutes without her doing the orbs or fire breath buff and everyone just slowly dies. Then there's tornado trollerboi who randomly will drop like 10 silence in a row while simultaneously spawning homing tornados. I think my biggest problem with the more mechanical raids is just how random they are. The AI seems so scuffed. Part of the reason monster hunter was so fun was because you could learn and predict monsters, and it was all mechanical outplays, not random bullshit. I feel like for T3 they tried to move a step towards that style but ultimately just couldn't find a healthy balance of mechanics and difficulty. I've yet to see anything past t2 that is very hard.

I know t3 is missing a ton though, and I look forward to it.

Just out of curiosity, did you play MHW? I guess for me personally why I just am not a fan of guardian raids is because it literally just feels like an inferior version of a monster hunt.. no terrain manipulation, far less loot, too much randomness in mechanics and having to repeat it all 2 times a day with no uniqueness or variation to any map or the way the fight plays out just makes it feel more like a chore and less like content.

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