I really wish YouTube would clamp down on fake movie trailers.

Dude,you need to calm down and stop taking things like this so seriously.The best way to know if something is legit or not takes the tiniest bit of research on your part.

5 years ago,someone made a trailer for Avatar 2 using clips from TROY,BLADE RUNNER,PREDATOR and a few others,but with all the flesh turned bluish.Anyone with half a brain could tell it was fake.

my point is that YOU are the one who needs to be aware of what's legit.If you expect Youtube to crack down on videos that arent real,you're risking half the content in the site(movie trailers.lets plays,clips from thenMCU films,short films etc).

maybe instead of being lazy and whiney,you educate yourself on what's legit.and what's fan made.

/r/movies Thread