Reaper is worse than he was

I agree, I love Reaper, I have triple the time on him than I have any other hero, but these changes 100% feel like a nerf. I understand where blizzard is coming from, its a good thought process, but it just doesn't work. I could pickup souls from enemies my teammates killed around me mid fight, even if they all died and only killed 3 others, that COULD bring me back up to full health, and I COULD HEAL WHILE IN MY GHOST FORM, BUT NOW I AM IN DANGER EVERY TIME I NEED TO HEAL, IT ALMOST MAKES MY GHOST FORM GIVING ME A FREE RELOAD WORTHLESS, SINCE I COULD RUN OUT OF AMMO THEN GO GHOST TO GET HEALTH GLOBES THEN POP RIGHT BACK IN. (Caps so it sticks out, that is a major point,) which puts me in more danger than before, not only that, but its as if I'm only supposed to fight people solo. If I am fighting a Roadhog with Soldier 76, and Road is focusing on me, I'm getting half the health I would've gotten if I was fighting alone, I would only get 60 health at the end of the fight, while this IS more than the prior soulglobes, that's specifically JUST for tanks, if I fought a soldier with an allied tracer at my side, i'd only get 20 health from killing the soldier! Its almost as if Reaper is ONLY effective against tanks, most teams are not going to give up a slot for a tank only killer that has to be close ranged, when they could get a Soldier76 who can shoot from long range, and heal himself. Soul Globes weren't perfect, but I personally believe they were better than the new system, since if I picked off a Soldier, without him seeing me, then started attacking another player on the enemy team, I could pick up that soul globe that I had previously earned while getting damaged.

/r/Overwatch Thread