Reasons the winning team ended the round sorted by map from the last 2 Valve Majors + Eleague Qualifier; this shows the biases each map has at the professional level.

Train is the map with most defuse wins, probably because its easy to smokewall on A or rush B.

Bomb is least defused on cbble. My take on this would be that it is because heavy B-centric defenses very often in an aggressive manner - plat and drop, or trying to keep terrorists from getting onto the sites itself and not enough manpower to retake once its lost. A is very hard to retake due to the easily smokeable entrances from connector, long rotations from B and the multiple positions almost infinite amount of positions Ts can take for the afterplant.

The bomb explodes the most on overpass, I think this has more to do with the possibilities for CTs to hide and save economy in a map where CTs usually have to hold far apart to cover all entrances, its easy to pressure economy and save decisions are often made. Would like to see percent of bomb explode wins where CTs decided to save vs in retake attempts.

The bomb explodes least on cache this coupled with its T sidedness and caches lack of good and remote hiding spots and the CTs willingness to retake probably due to the open A site and relatively fast rotations.

If you have anything to add/theorycraft etc, feel free to do so, discussion is always welcome.

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