Red pills perspective on marriage or settling down

I'll tell you a bit about my marriage since I think I'm one of the not many here who aren't 100% against marriage.

First is that I initially told her straight out that I would not stop sleeping with other women, but if she chose to sleep with other men, I would divorce her without even hearing an "explanation".

Yes, there is the potential for her to cheat and there is the potential for me to be divorce raped.


The relationship though, we are a team. I taught her programming, so that she can take on the more mundane projects I have so that I can focus on the more complex/time consuming ones.

We're both moving to Bulgaria where she has an inherited appartment, which means we'll have a ridiculously cheap living expense, allowing us to save money.

And she is quite intelligent, I know that if I want a second opinion on an idea or a plan, that she's capable of giving me a good and intelligent advice.

Most importantly though, she knows that I'm the captain and she is my first mate.

/r/asktrp Thread