Reddit what is the hardest thing you've ever done?

Walked through Wal-Mart trying to hold my guts in. Now at that moment I didn't know what it was, I only knew it was stronger than me and I was cramping like crazy. Three days prior to the incident I had uterine​ surgery. The doctor did not suture my uterus properly and on the day of discharge I had to get medication filled so a friend took me to walmart and as I was standing in line I felt an awful ripping sensation and heard a pop sound, this caused me to instinctively grab my lower abdomen and like I said I wasn't strong enough to hold what it was inside me. I had a little ball under my shirt and used both of my hands to hold myself until the ambulance came. I walked to the front hunched over and the paramedics were trying to get me to move my hands but I kept telling them something was coming out. When I got to the ER I finally moved my hands my shirt was lifted and the doctor says "when did you eat last?" nurses then come in and start squirting down pads with saline and covering my stomach. It's then that I'm told that my intestines burst through my uterus and out of my incision. The saline pads were to keep them from drying out. It's been 10 years since it happended. I don't talk about it because I mean who wants to be that person? I did however end up getting 4 inches of bowel removed, mesh, retention sutures, staples and a 2 week stay in the intensive care unit that day. So long story short... I was gutted, in a way.... And it left me with a pretty bad ass story.

/r/AskReddit Thread