Reddit, what’s something a teacher said or did to you at school that still makes you mad?

I'm autistic but I was mainstreamed and went to a rural school that had no training whatsoever on autism. Lots of bad shit came out of that, but one particular thing really stands out to me.

One teacher could not wrap her mind around the concept that someone could accidently hurt someone and not notice. She she decided that 8 year old me, who she knew was professionally diagnosed with autism, had to be sociopath instead. I remember her telling me that I had hurt another child, and when I started crying because I felt so bad she said "I know better the to believe your lies. Stop crying, I know you don't actually care." and she punished me for crying. She hated me so much and at the time I absolutely couldn't understand why. I tried to be good for her and I just couldn't meet her standards.

For years was convinced I was a monster because of her when I'm actually hyper empathetic. You just can't feel empathetic if you can't notice the emotion in the first place.

/r/AskReddit Thread