Reddit, in what way are you a LITTLE bit racist?

Ok so since you asked, is this (forgive the long) story racist?? This actually just happened recently where I even questioned myself because I consider myself extremely open in this particular area. I live in a very diverse city, and a fairly mixed neighborhood. Areas are spotted here and there. We have a park in our neighborhood open to the public after school gets out. As I approached the gates at a parking lot I see a girl in a car in the parking lot crouched down in her seat looking at her phone, she just seemed like she was on the "lookout" stance- below will confirm this more. As I walk with my daughter into the park to one of two large playground sets - I see a late 20s, almost 30 black guy leaning from one side on his BMX bike right in the middle of the playground set, not off to the side, directly in the middle of it. I have come here at least 100 times and never seen him before. I walk by and he says what's up, I say what's up and my daughter kinda led us to the other playground set over at the other side. The entire time I was there - he stayed right where he was and I can just notice other people (all races) coming in, seeing this adult, thug-looking- just with his bike "standing ground" AT A PLAYGROUND. I tried to give him all the benefit of the doubt that he was picking up a kid at the school or anything but it was nothing but trouble and other people knew it and were turning around and walking right back away from the park. So am I racist for judging someone based on how they looked, where the were (considering it was a kids park), what they were ultimately doing/waiting for something/someone. I mean I didn't see him swinging or sliding at the children's park - so really WTF? I hate the word sketchy - but the shit was sketchy - and if you live up to a stereotype, where exactly does the line get drawn before the racist claims fly?

/r/AskReddit Thread