Reddit, who's THAT person in your neighborhood, and what does he/she do?

I have had some really crazy / annoying neighbors over the years. But my first house neighbor takes the cake. I had two dogs back then. One day he randomly stuck his hand through my fence and one of my dogs tried to bite him. Then he proceeded to flip out about it saying how my dogs were dangerous. Then one night my dogs were outside for maybe 5-10 minutes when it had snowed and he called animal protection on me (where his sister worked) and he setup a stake out in his shed filming my backyard. After that we had been outside and one of my kids threw one of those big styrophone planes and it ended up on my roof. He noticed (most likely from surveillance) this and I suppose to try and make a mends offered his ladder over the fence. I took it used it and thanked him. He said my Wife could bring it back over to him when I wasn't home. Which made her uncomfortable. I proceeded to go off on him and how inappropriate it was to say that. He took his ladder and left. That night he called me drunk apologizing. A few weeks later he started putting statues of black children in his backyard. Then one of his dogs died. He accused me of poisoning it. And the stake out was back on. I ended up so annoyed by this guy I sold my house. The buyer was a black women (he was super racist btw) And before closing came over and stole my entire rack of firewood when I was gone. I asked him wtf happened to it and he told me since I was moving he didn't think I needed it anymore. (I think he didn't want a black family to get it) The house fell through because the buyer lied about a bunch of stuff to qualify for the loan. So I had to keep it up for sale. Finally got a new buyer. I was set to close in a week and I woke up one morning and the fence was gone separating our yards. He took it down overnight! Once again I was like WTF and he told me it was to allow my neglected dogs to come over and hang out. (including the one that tried to bite him) I "had" an entire privacy fenced in yard, and even though that section was his the buyer took into account the yard was fenced in.

So a few days before closing in the pouring rain I had to buy and install a very long section of fence. Finally closed and got the fuck out of there.

And I am not going to even get into the neighbor on the other side with the row of cat traps between our front yards.

/r/AskReddit Thread