Reddit, why WOULDN'T someone want to date you?

still lives with family High functioning Autism , also wierd and "white and nerdy" Intense person Part-time worker overweight ( down from obese a year ago -bmi from 33 to 28ish ) Political viewpoints Religious viewpoints Absolute morality , means i apologise a lot and have high moral standards for myself. i.e no sex before marriage which can be seen as having no interest in her an almost unbelievable origin story( gets me so easily labelled as a liar), regional race winning swimmer at 12 , expelled from school and trying not be killed by Inner city gangs at 13 , then got sent to a state-funded place at a boarding school 100+ miles from wherei previously lived at 14( meaning i'm a care leaver and a boarding school old boy), getting Mathematical awards at 15 and at 16 playing 3 instruments , gcses , school football team as both a goalkeeper and defender, oh and basically an elder at a church where i was ( pcc member) 17 at a sixth form of a school in a different county as the sixth form of school i'm staying at, allowing me to travel to those pcc meetings 100+ miles away and back when needed at 18 i had a caution , (and very nearly killed someone in a flurry of anger, i think about a tv remote)at 19 i entered university and during university i was part of a youth political movement even becoming at one point the treasurer of the local area young political groupings ( mainly for being a math student) , oh and treasurer of the math society as well as seeing people attempt to kill themselves and talking to the local drug dealer who lived in my dorm, trying to get thim to stop of course.

"Posh" accent and dress - i don't think so, others do bit simple .

/r/AskReddit Thread