Redditors that check behind the shower curtains whenever you enter the bathroom, what's your plan if a killer is actually there?

They arent bigots they are just isolated and watch the news and read the newspapers for their worldview, they have aboriginal friends, ("he's not one of those thieving bastards like in darwin") hate "nips" and "mussos" (except the ones they know from work "hes alright doesnt drink and that, but he isnt one of them mussos, you know what i mean?") They dont like them because they dont understand what they are saying, and that they have different customs. Very little exposure, They are just victims of isolation. Society wants us pitted against each other. They sound racist in how they speak but they dont think it through, like they call asians nips because their dad used to tell stories, but invite a guy from Laos over for a barbie, his nickname is charlie. Ive spent time around university students used to date someone in that circle they sat around and talked about ideas they have never tested, they were way more bigoted then the people ive grown up with. Wouldnt even listen to an opposing point of view. These racists guys just dont like to think too much. Shooting things and someone cant reload fast, "fuck you would be useless if a hundred nips were running at us" they laugh. I could be all pc about it and bring up their mate charlie, they would just say shut up we are just joking, but it would ruin the night

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