Redditors who have done Salvia: What was your trip(s) like?

I cried.. a lot. I was terrified. Now, that being said, I was basically a kid. 16. The only other thing I'd ever smoked was weed, maybe 3 times.

My boyfriend at the time brought this stuff out one night and told me it would make me feel the same way weed does, but only for like 20 minutes. I didn't know any better, I was a stupid kid and wanted to get high.

So my boyfriend and his friend are having me take these crazy hits, being a very inexperienced smoker I wanted to make sure I was doing it right and not just wasting my time and my boyfriends stuff.. so they tell me to take a huge hit and hold it. And again. And again. And then right as I was going to take another one I immediately start to freak out. My body wasn't mine anymore. I felt like I was flickering in and out of reality. This was years ago, so some of the details are a little foggy.. but I remember laying back and putting my hands behind my head to try and relax, and feeling like I was my mom. She used to read to me every night when I was a kid, and I felt like I was her about to read me a story.

All my memories were being stirred up in a cauldron, and random experiences would spill out and I would relive things I'd already done, but it would just be for maybe a second. It felt like I was experiencing everything I've ever done in less than a second. On repeat.. for what felt like hours.

I have never tried to explain this in such detail before, so I'm sorry if it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I was crying basically the whole time, I couldn't sit still, it was like if I moved I felt normal but right when I stopped everything was wrong. I was convinced I was going to feel that way forever. I don't think I could talk for a while, and I didn't want to look at anyone's face.. I just felt like if I looked at anyone's face something horrible was going to happen..

Another friend of mine was with as well, and he was freaking out worse than I was, he was throwing up ravioli, and I think he was also crying, which didn't help me feel better at all.

I made my boyfriend promise he wouldn't smoke anything, I needed someone to help me plant my roots back into reality. We ended up watching cartoons while I cried and tried to force myself to feel normal. My boyfriends friend watched over my puking friend AND cleaned up his mess. Great guy.

It really doesn't sound all that bad compared to some of these stories, but I had never felt anything like that, was like an alternate reality where your brain does whatever it wants and you go lay in a ball and try not to let it take over.

Thinking back, I am not so sure what I smoked that night was salvia. My ex was kind of.. well he was the kind of person that will talk about something so confidently that it's almost convincing, unless you know anything about that thing at all and realize he's just full of shit.

Anyway, I was high for hours. Ex doesn't believe me, but the other guy that smoked with me also claims he was high for just as long, and still felt weird the next day. Wasn't fun at all.

I really don't know a whole lot about salvia, after that night I really didn't want to think about it. So I'm not sure if what happened to me was normal, or if I even smoked salvia at all.

Whatever it was, it sucked.

/r/AskReddit Thread