Redditors who rode the bus to and from school, what was your most memorable moment on the school bus?

I remember a good story of how a bunch of tortured kids on a bus got the bus driver arrested.

This was back when I was very young, Maybe around 9 or 10 years old. It was the start of a new school year and was still on the edge of summers end. So lots of hot days.

Our bus driver from the previous year had retired so she was replaced with a new guy. This fella was a control freak and loved to flaunt and abuse his power. But all he had for power was the fact he was much older than us, and was driving us home at night.

The first week wasn't too bad but we noticed he would often stop the bus at the side of the road and stare at kids if they were being too loud, or were standing in their seats. Eventually it escalated to the point where if someone's leg was in the aisle he would do the same. Stop the bus. Stare you down through his sunglasses.

He also made a rule that no one was allowed to roll down the windows since he didn't want to deal with putting them back up after work. Even if it was too hot and the bus was sweltering. One girl even hyper ventilated pretty badly one day and was very close to passing out from heat exhaustion. But our cries for help to the bus driver just lead him to stop the bus and wait for us to stop yelling. He didn't believe the girl was in any danger, and in fact just told her to stop being so dramatic. That day was especially bad since at that point he was 45 minutes late on his schedule since he stopped the bus so damn much that day.

This dude thought he was invincible for whatever reason. He would always threaten us if we told him we would call the cops. My memory is hazy on what he exactly said, but paraphrasing a bit, "You are just kids. Do you think the cops are going to believe you over me? Don't even try."

Problem was, after bringing kids home 30-45 minutes later than they should have been home for over a month parents weren't too pleased either. The stories they heard from their kids were always consistent with stories other kids told and eventually the police were involved. They had a cop tail our bus to be sure what were saying was true. And sure enough like clockwork, this guy stopped his bus at the side of the road as usual.

After that day it was said he was arrested and immediately lost his job.

/r/AskReddit Thread