Redditors, who slept with the partner of your best friend, what happened?

Does excluding most of the story bring you satifactuon? Why did you leave out the part where you asked me to convince the other girl to do a threesome with us, because you wanted to sleep with her? Or how you were right there, doing all the drugs with me? What about the part where we broke up in November, and you were married on Valentine's day? Oooh, or my favorite one, the fact that you never confronted me about cheating, (which, admittedly, is still something that haunts me to this day) but instead took her out on a date TWO DAYS LATER, even going so far as to ask Lucas a good date spot??

Don't act like it was strictly platonic between you two. You knew what you were doing.

Don't act like the hero. EVERYONE was shitty in that situation.

Also, I saw the message. I saw the message saying you guys had the DNA test done, and you were his father. So don't you fucking dare act like i never wanted him in my life, or that I was looking for an out. Why would I, when he was the product of YOUR infedelity?

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