Redditors who spend a lot of time in seclusion (at sea, in the air or out in the wilderness) what's the creepiest or most mysterious thing you've seen, found or experienced?

A few months ago I went out camping in the mountains with a couple of friends of mine. Comes night time everybody gets in their tents to sleep, there's of us in my tent. I wasn't able to sleep because I wasn't really tired at all. I probably spent 2-3 hours just turning over and over up until I had to take a piss.

So, I get up quietly trying not to wake anyone up since all the tents were close to eachother. I exit out and walk about 50 feet out and do my thing. After I'm done I decide to walk around a little bit with the moonlight, I pretty much walked for about 2 minutes up until I came back close to where I took a piss. For whatever reason I just sort of feel like I'm being watched but I can't see that far out because of the trees blocking the moonlight where I took a leak.

After what seemed like an eternity of just staring at the same spot in the pitch black area, I don't hear it but I can see it; at first it looked like a poking stick being pushed out of the black but then there was two and eventually sort of a round shape like a head. The head shape moved like in a tilting fashion and then just stopped as if we were staring right at eachother. After a couple of seconds it just took off in the blink of an eye back in the pitch black of the night from where it came from. That was the only point where I was able to hear the thing as it ran through the leaves and foliage and it was producing very loud and irregular footsteps. I stayed there for a while staring at the same spot trying to figure out what I saw and eventually just walked back to the tents.

Turns out a friend of mine and his girlfriend saw me from their tent. They told me to were trying to figure out what I was up to and that's when I learned that when I went and took a piss with my back turned towards them, the moment I turned around to go for a walk they saw the exact thing I saw, just staring at me as I was walking away and that they also saw the scene when I came back and stood there staring at the woods.

/r/AskReddit Thread