Redditors who have tried acid, what was the experience like and do you regret it?

I doubt anyone will see this is it's pretty late, but I wanted to post it since my experiences differ from the usual spiritual, introspective ones. Throwaway just because I don't want this on my main account and I feel it gives me a bit more credibility since there would be no point in lying for karma or bragging. I assure you this post is 100% true (it's really not that special at all though, but still) so take from that what you will.

I have had around 10 experience with LSD in the last year. I did Marquis and Mecke tests on every batch I got. I have good reason to believe all of the tabs were pretty accurately dosed and at worst ~20% based on lab test results at /r/darknetmarkets. I'm going to describe three experiences with 3 different dosages because the others were either very similar or somewhere between those three. Check out number 3) if you're just interested in an actual, complete trip.

1) This is my first time ever. I had not taken any psychedelics before and my drug experience was limited to MDMA (once), amphetamine (couple times) and weed(many times) as the three notable ones. I had gotten the tabs and I planned to go to bed, but I was very, very curious. I was very tired since I hadn't slept in some 50 hours and I had taken some amphetamine earlier in the day. As LSD is kind of a big deal and can turn out really badly, I was torn between taking them or going to sleep since my state and setting were lacking. In the end curiosity prevailed (honestly I don't think I could've gone to bed because of it anyway) and I decided to take it. It was one 160ug tab and with no prior experience I decided half would suffice. It's hard to cut them in half because they're tiny so I took a bit more, probably around 90+-5 ug. For those unfamiliar that would be slightly less than one alleged "hit", so a decent dose especially considering how high quality the tabs were.

The come-up started ~90 minutes in and it was unpleasant. The same thing happens when I do MDMA (not shrooms, though), it's a 20-40 minute long phase of moderate panic and doubt - "Why did I take it", "I didn't need this" "There's no going back now, fuck, who knows what will happen" etc. As with MDMA it goes away once the real effects start and you're left wondering why you ever doubted something so great. Anyway, it's just a part of it for most people and is completely manageable (except for one time with a crazy dose of 2-CB but that's a story for another time) especially with distractions like TV or conversation.

I forgot to mention I was alone since I didn't plan on taking it. I also had no activities, food and other stuff lined up for the some reason. It started as I was watching episodes of Modern Family and casually chatting on tripsit about what I can expect. Everything felt "off", like it does sometimes on weed. I was very aware I'm watching a TV show and that people are acting. I was more critical, in both a positive and negative way. For instance I'd appreciate jokes much more and laugh much harder than usual, but I would also notice any minor details that were wrong, like acting, camera work and similar. Basically like a very clean/clear, more defined weed high. I was also experiencing subtle, pleasurable sensations through my whole body. Pretty soon I had my first sensory distortions, which were auditory. The actors voice pitch, talking speed and voice depth very changing very noticeably which I found quite amusing.

As it progressed, I developed moderately strong euphoria and the feelings of pleasure intensified a lot. Unfortunately I wasn't experiencing visual distortions, expect on a few select images and only when I really tried consciously. I caught up with Modern Family and spent some time browsing reddit and talking on FB. After a while I decided being on the computer was grounding me and I went to my living room and put on some music. I was feeling pretty great the whole time, most notably I was experiencing insane physical pleasure I wasn't expecting at all, but I regretted not taking the whole tab as it was somewhat underwhelming, especially visually. I had some weed left over so I figured I'd give it a push with that. The weed was very, very strong, a 100% sativa from the Netherlands. I have plenty of experience with weed (probably no substantial tolerance as I end up smoking a few times a month on average), but this weed absolutely blew me away with very small doses. In fact, just a few days prior it caused visual hallucinations for me which were way stronger than anything on this acid trip, something that only happened to me on my very first time smoking (but not that big of a deal). Anyway, I smoked a smaller amount.

At this point I was feeling really great physically, I was having absolutely orgasmic sensations in my entire body (not even exaggerating). My mind was pretty much normal, but I was slightly dumber and slower. Visually nothing was really happening but sound was still great. Once the weed kicked in, things changed noticeably. An element of paranoia and anxiety was introduced, characteristic of weed but something I stopped experiencing a long time ago. The whole experience became much more erratic, rocking and rolling. What I mean by that is that I was having interchanging periods of complete awesomeness and crappiness. I can't exactly describe it, but in essence I became much more "critical". It was extremely difficult to find a song I liked, because I completely dismissed anything with minor flaws or anything that wasn't perfect for this exact moment. Everything bad was worse and everything good was better. Hearing random sounds would cause paranoid ideas about their source but listening to a song I considered perfect put me into a state of sublime ecstasy - the body orgasms were multiplied tenfold, hearing a really well placed note and appreciating made me immeasurably euphoric (I am an atheist after all) while squirming with physical pleasure. When things weren't perfect, everything took on a darker, evil character. There was a sense of dread and disappointment. Mind you, it was definitely nothing I couldn't handle and not really traumatic. I would compare it to watching a horror movie (which I hate) intensity. It's bad, it's scary, but whatever, you know? Additionally the good parts outweighed that by far. About 4-5 hours in I went back to my room and listened to more music while lying on the bed. I was still having ups and downs, or moments when I was very disappointed in the music and moments where I was exploding with orgasmic pleasure. I fell asleep in about an hour. While it's supposed to last longer, keep in mind I was incredibly exhausted and I automatically fell asleep the moment it relented a bit.

Overall, it was a good experience, despite the bad parts. I was never panicking or having a "bad trip". However, I couldn't shake the idea that LSD was evil. I didn't really give a shit it was, and I wasn't afraid of it or anything, but it was undeniably evil. I also didn't appreciate the rolling effect, I would've preferred something shorter or weaker, but more consistent. Another phenomenon I noticed was that I really had to direct everything. If I wanted to feel good, I had to make myself feel good. If I wanted to experience the really mild visuals, I had to make that happen consciously. Everything bad that happened, happened when I wasn't paying 100% attention and controlling it. A bit too much work for something that was just good on average (with amazing and bad parts). I regretted taking so little and missing out on visuals. The biggest thing was the pleasure, though. It absolutely blew me away and I hadn't expected it at all.

/r/AskReddit Thread