Regarding Wizards and the new B&R Update/the state of Modern - Wizards knows what they are doing...kinda

Well the article that I linked was claiming that Wizards specifically banned Twin to shake up the format in order to increase their profits, so I was refering to ways for Wizards to could increase their profits while keeping player interest in both Standard and Modern. It seems like every other set is almost not even worth cracking packs for much of the time after its initial release (once the prices settle). Dark Ascension, Dragon's Maze, Gatecrash (still had shocks, but was pretty bad to open), Fate Reforged, countless Core Sets, etc. We can see this now with Khans, pretty much the only reason to open these packs is for Fetches and that is going along with what I'm talking about with introducing Modern cards in standard sets. Take out the fetches and what is the highest value card in Khans? - Sorin @ $8, then Anafenza @ $5.

Cards like Rhino, Tasigur, Swiftspear, etc. are the good things that can come from the new design space that standard sets explore, but we are still have a huge pattern of sets with incredibly worthless cards, and that is what is bad for Wizards financially. They need to have those hard to get value card so people continually crack packs. Say Ugin was THE card to have for either standard or modern and there was a huge spike in demand for that card. Would you rather invest $40 from a vendor to ensure your get your Ugin, or would you rather crack $40 worth of packs trying to get an Ugin. Some people like the chase, but other people like the solidity of just buying the Ugin. The latter Wizards doesnt benefit from, but if they supplement the set with other cards of value they will get more of that drive to crack those packs.

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