Reignover is "by far" the best "western" jungler at moment

I wonder, where would Rekkles have performed better if he had played in the FNC - SKT matchup ?

Do you guys actually believe that he could've farmed better in a 1v2 vs Bang/Wolf when Yellowstar was roaming half of the time ? Even though the retarded casters are picking on him, Steelback actually did a decent job considering the circumstances and was relevant.

Actually he has a lot in common with Dyrus: Both him and Dyrus are set back in order to bring the rest of the team ahead, but unlike Dyrus who has at least people pointing out that he's the sacrificial lamb, Steelback has just been receiving flak all over the split with no one defending him.

Even (or especially) the casters are not getting tired to point out how he always falls behind in farm, during the regular split but fucking explain one simple thing to me: With Yellowstar always roaming and him being always on his own, while pretty much any other adc got at least his support helping him, how the fuck is he supposed to keep up in farm ?

Now be kind enough to answer this question: With all the ressources funneled into top and mid, how is Rekkles supposed to work in Fnatic next split, as he is used to getting all the ressources ? Why would Fnatic change this very successful style they're playing right now ? And how good will Rekkles look when he's not getting all the ressources but is actually put in a scenario where he's starving ?

Seriously, people constantly devaluing Steelback is pissing me off. Obviously he's not some kind of superstar ADC but he's far from being the trash many people make him out to be and in no way he's deserving all the flak he's been getting. Considering that this was his rookie split, Steelback actually did a decent job.

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