Remember those Trump's "Liberate" tweets? We are paying the price...

Besides the propoganda of the graph, is there a reason the EU cases spiked at the begining of May? Like is this when the EU started opening back up? If so, could it be possible we in the US as seeing the bump up now and would settle back down to well, relatively high numbers?

Like it doesn't look like the US has done enough to reduce the number of cases, but I know the US didn't lock down to the extent more of the EU did.

Now I will say, the EU has a vastly higher population than the US, so having 4k cases vs 24k cases really means the US has not done enough to reduce the spread of the disease (ie opening too early).

But there is something to be said that the US is performing a lot of testing right now, and the EU is ramping testing back up.

Also, not to keep ranting, but what does this have to do with NC specifically?

/r/NorthCarolina Thread Link -