A reminder that this sub Reddit is for ALL drugs

Dont know what you guys are on ...

Meth and/or amphetamine.

There is DEFINITELY an anti-meth circlejerk around here at times, but it's not as bad as it used to be or is in not drug related subreddits.

Most of the time people are just completely ignorant about hard drugs. Like in the thread about meth damaging that dudes penis some people are claiming that's from the extreme vasoconstriction that meth causes.

Meth does cause vasoconstriction, yes, but it actually causes LESS vasoconstriction (and peripheral effects in general) than amphetamine and pretty much any other recreational stimulant. It also doesn't cause vasoconstriction for a week after your last dose, meth lasts a long time but not that long!

[HSDB: D-METHAMPHETAMINE](https://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search2/r?dbs+hsdb:@term+@DOCNO+3359]

The pharmacologic actions of methamphetamine are qualitatively similar to those of amphetamine and ephedrine and include CNS and respiratory stimulation, and sympathomimetic activity including pressor response, mydriasis, bronchodilation, and contraction of the urinary bladder sphincter. The drug depresses the motility of the GI tract. The CNS stimulating effect of methamphetamine is approx equal to or greater than that of amphetamine but less than that of dextroamphetamine; the pressor effect of methamphetamine is less than that of amphetamine but greater than that of ephedrine.

Small doses have prominent central stimulant effects without significant peripheral actions; somewhat larger doses produce a sustained rise in systolic & diastolic blood pressures, due mainly to cardiac stimulation. Cardiac output is increased, although the heart rate may be reflexly slowed. Venous constriction causes peripheral venous pressure to increase. These factors tend to increase the venous return &, therefore, the cardiac output. Pulmonary arterial pressure is raised, probably owing to increased cardiac output. Renal blood flow also is enhanced.

There's just lots of misinformation about meth in general. When I'm on amphetamine I like to go full "myth busters" about this stuff. lol

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