"Researchers aren’t convinced global warming is to blame": A gargantuan blob of warm water that’s been parked off the West Coast for 18 months helps explain California’s drought, and record blizzards in New England, according to new analyses by Seattle scientists.

Damn, I can't believe that I'm going to get into this, but seriously your argument is so flawed that I really need to point it out.

Einstein's rejection of Newtonian mechanics was a huge change, yet people went along with it because his theory made several correct predictions. Today even if a respected scientist rejected climate change and proposed an alternative model, they would be label crazy conservatives.

There are two problems with this. First, Einstein was not just accepted right away. It took time for people to agree with him, and as you pointed out, he was eventually accepted because he made several correct predictions that were confirmed over time.

Secondly, if a respected scientist proposed an alternative model to climate change, they would go through the same process. There would be initial skepticism, but if their theory made several predictions that were unique to their theory and were confirmed over time, then in the end, they would win.

Climate change is one of the few theories that is so politically charged that dissent is considered insanity. Same goes for evolution. Its a very toxic notion; dissent is critical for scientific progress.

The fact that you throw evolution in here makes me really wonder where you're coming from. Because evolution is so thoroughly confirmed through experiment and evidence that any alternative theory is going to not prove it wrong at all, but extend it in some way - like Relativity did for Newtonian mechanics. Newton wasn't wrong in the sense that people usually use the term. His understanding was incomplete, and Einstein was more complete than him. Relativity is still not complete, and there are other theories that seek to extend that completeness.

This is all fundamental stuff when it comes to science.

If someone out there had an alternative theory for climate change that made testable predictions that were confirmed (or confirmable) via models, they might have a steep road ahead of them, but that is the stuff science thrives on.

On the other hand, If all you're doing is being a talking head on cable news, then yeah, you're a moron and need to shut the fuck up.

/r/science Thread Parent Link - seattletimes.com