Retired priest says Hell is an invention of the church to control people with fear

I mean I guess this is what all atheists think since there’s no scientific evidence that neither of them exists.

I still think it’s a good thing that both exists. It encourages people to do good and expect nothing in return at the moment since they’ll be rewarded ”later”.

If religion just didn’t exist we would lose a lot of holidays and a lot of connections. I’m not the most religious person so it’s not like I’m offended by this. I just think that the benefits of a religion is that it brings people together (yes I’m aware that it causes conflict with other religions). If you don’t interfere with other religions there should be no consequenses.

Now again, I don’t know why I went on this rant or whatever. I guess I just like to waste time on random comment sections.

/r/Damnthatsinteresting Thread Link -