want to ride bitless

Done with trolling my thread and onto other people I see ;)

For your own safety I really would suggest going to a reputable riding school that uses bits before branching off into bitless. It can be so dangerous to go into this uninformed. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because they have been influenced by people who have been building up trust with their horses for YEARS before doing bitless (who mostly all suggest to start out in what your horse is comfortable in before going off to do bitless/neck rope etcccc). So listen to everyone on this thread and please, I beg, do more research and talk to actual qualified instructors before making your own mind up. I have been in so many sticky situations and sustained a brain injury from thinking I knew it all (a minor one, but if I had fallen slightly different I would’ve died); I don’t want anyone doing the same thing as me.

Don’t be stupid, please look into it.

/r/Equestrian Thread