The 'Right Thing' Paradox: Are We Really 'Good' People?

This came in at such a right time.

Few months ago I was in bad relationship. (She was probably a narcissist). But we INFJs can't get out of bad relationship (at least for me this is very true). That's when I saw this girl of my dreams at my workplace. Now this girl is way out of my league.

Somewhere I felt like this dreamgirl also wanted me to talk. I ended abusive relationship when I thought I had shot with this dreamgirl and I rebounded hard on her. I would pretend that I am happy, confident because a slight attention from her made me feel very good about myself. She left workplace but before that she wanted me to talk. I couldn't. She just left.

6 months passed, during this time we ran into each other few times. I kept giving mixed signals. Today it feels like she is waiting for me to talk and it's only hurting me. I know I can just ask her out but I don't coz I am pretty sure that relationship can't go anywhere.

Now I think I should just tell her the truth. If I told this to my friends they would say I am overthinking and I am out of my mind to turn down this girl.

She wants me to talk and I will only to protect her from future hurt. What do you guys think?

/r/infj Thread