Ringer Sight & Sound Poll Selections (Adam Nayman & Wesley Morris)

Nayman is such an unrepentant snob, he is not worth discussing. If I win the lottery tomorrow and have unlimited free time for the rest of my life, my first project will be to scan every critic’s list and explanation to see if any single person is more up their own ass. I believe I’m more likely to succeed in the former than the latter.

Wesley on the other hand, I respect. Him claiming that there is essentially no difference between his ten favorite movies of all time and his 110th favorite movie of all time is obviously not true and also insulting to the entire project

Edit: Anyone who doesn’t think the following is anything more than faux-intellectual try-hard fart-sniffing, downvote me all you want. This is the hill I’m willing to die on

“My strategy this time out was to forgo even well-intentioned attempts at objectivity (in a film critic?) or diversity/balance/historical perspective (in an all-time top 10 list?) and pick titles that reflected and refracted the qualities of my all-time favourite (as opposed to actual all-time best) movie. Which is, and always will be, Nicolas Roeg's Don't Look Now, till death do us part, for reasons that have a lot to do with my feelings about the relationship between moviegoing and mortality (and the one as a way station en route to the other). Hence the shared qualities of the other nine (alphabetical) entries here, which are all in one way or another ominous, oneiric, existential meditations, with more than a few also examining the possibilities of storytelling as a form of purgatory (another personal hobbyhorse for which I'm ride or die).”

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