Roe vs Wade is destroying my 10 year relationship

Going to comment again. Hope this finds you

This place (Reddit) is disgusting. Everyone here is telling you to leave your husband. That’s so fucking depressing.

No one on this board knows wether or not he loves you, or of the times you’ve had together, or anything that brought you close in the first place. Yet you’re willing to jump to conclusions because a bunch of strangers on the internet told you to do so.

Just take a minute to breathe, give yourself some space and talk to your husband and the father of your child. This is serious shit. Surely the two of you ended up together somehow, not because he’s a “sexist ass” or controlling or whatever people here might have you believe. Jesus Christ. Just think dude.

Maybe he’s worried about you and doesn’t know how to react. Maybe he’s not thinking clearly either. Yet you’re going to throw your relationship away because Reddit told you to? If that’s the case perhaps you don’t deserve a husband or any kind of family… yikes…

/r/Advice Thread