Roommate (20F) had a group of people over late at night twice this semester without everyone else's permission. How do we handle this?

I think you missed the part where I said I understand it's a Saturday and they need to hang out.

I even told them this yesterday. I don't care about parties themselves. I care about whether or not our space is respected. In other words I want to know if there's going to be people in the apartment. I want to know what the hell is going on in this place I live in. And yes if it's a school night I want to be able to go to sleep without worrying if I'll be woken up by someone coming in. Me and another roommate have anxiety and I explained to all of them last semester that I purposely avoid parties now. But if I'm told ahead of time I can at least drive home to avoid it.

The other roommates are just as lax as me. With the exception of ragers going on we don't mind having people over. But a heads up is required. Half the time the way we ask permission is, "Hey I wanted to have x, y, z over is that cool?" and 99% of the time we say it is unless it's a issue. Hell, usually we all end up hanging out in the living room anyway. And I'd even go as far as to say it's not so much having people over during the day as it is having people over late at night without us knowing. That's the issue.

And yeah I know it's Saturday. I already feel like an asshole. But I was at my computer all day doing homework and developed a slight fever halfway through. Took a break to eat with my other roommate, rest, and watch a movie then go to bed. Then all this happens and I don't sleep a wink and stay up till almost 5:30 (they didn't leave till 4:30). That's when it's a problem. If I had known I would have skipped the movie, napped earlier, then just stay up to do the homework. I seriously wouldn't have minded if she even said they might pass through. We just need to know.

And I didn't kick them out last night because it was a Saturday. I grit my teeth and bared it. I used to party too--I'm not some fun hating spawn of hell. But that doesn't mean we're not going to discuss it so that it doesn't happen again.

/r/relationships Thread