Roommate situation...can't NC

Depending on your relationship with them, one technique I tried (moderate success, not complete) was to tell them.

Somewhere on one of the links here/out of the fog, mention three very basic DO's and three very basic DON'Ts that worked.


1) Don't try and make them un-angry/hyper/whatever extreme you are seeing.

2) Don't worry about how you appear.

3) Don't try and fix anything/solve anything.


1) Stay disconnected, calm and unemotional when interacting.

2) Choose to disengage emotionally. There's nothing you can do to fix them.

3) Be boring. Be uninteresting.

I felt the guilt when I first tried this type of interaction. To the extreme.

What made me let go was when I let go of trying to "gray rock" my ex-wife over co-parenting and she tried to sink her claws into me over things that were absurd.

Once you see what it looks like when you aren't going medium chill, the guilt should assuage.

I mean, it's less guilt than ghosting them, right? THAT would make me feel horrible, but I get that some people have to do it.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread