RooshV slams the Red Pill

But what about the point he was making about the red pill?

Roosh has taken the divergent aspects of RP, PUA, MGTOW and MRA and is trying to put all eggs into one basket, with some "fill in the blanks" guidance (from Roosh) needed to elevate everything into one continuous ideology that can best serve a man's purposes from cradle to grave.

While I'm all for a man "looking for deeper meaning in his relationships or satisfaction with life", I don't require a singular behavioural ideology to provide me with deeper meaning, and I would not look to another person to define for me what's meaningful. Human behaviour is the tip of the iceberg as far as our consciousness goes. What's truly going on with our species (and the universe for that matter) far surpasses any mastery of inter-gender relations.

I ended up at RP Reddit because of a dinner conversation. This sub, Roosh, Roisy, Rollo, Ace and many others have filled in some needed blanks to my previous understandings. I thank everyone online who's been willing to discuss human relations with honesty, and I've tried to return likewise in kind. This sub is a garage fixing cars that have been in accidents. Once the car's been fixed, there's no reason to stay. The same is true for the entire manosphere. The idea is not to be wedded to others because they've taught you something. The goal is to take what you can to build yourself into the person you want to be. In the end, you give credit to yourself for that, not others, because you did the actual building.

In keeping with the vernacular of this sub, what's happening here is Roosh is a plate that's declared the relationship to be an exclusive LTR, with him in charge of the decision making. He's free to do as he wishes, I'm free to walk away from anything that doesn't suit my path.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent