Roughing the passer call on Michael Bennett

it wasnt even a hit. Bennett was nudged oh so slightly that he brushed Kirk on the way down, but only then did he reach out to grab his ankles and gently caress his body to the ground. Thats a tackle, not a hit. If you call any physical brush (even intentionally doing everything to forward the actual purpose of the rule) and it has the opposite effect, its a fuckin failure and arbitrary line in the sand that wont have its intended effect. The intent of the rule is to prevent hard low hits to knees because it costs owners precious money (only now do they care with these obnoxiously huge contracts). When a dude avoids a hit and gently pulls QB to the ground, thats a win. You dont punish that guy. This rule or the way its called must be changed. Its really just gonna create more trouble without effectively solving anything.

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