Roughly 20 mins of Grimmmz calling hacks on a random player while ignoring obvious evidence.

Its almost like the game is still in its testing phase or something! What makes me mad is when he tells his audience false information then bans people from chat for correcting him... Sorry I'm not going to follow blindly like everyone else. Bullet holes do not appear through the opposite side of the arm at that position/ distance on the male model if his character were female however the exit wound would be ever so slightly more visible (video settings on very low and ultra don't change this). He got shot from behind and just simply didn't want to listen to the facts. I love watching the guy stream but man he just needs relax more when he dies in game, don't get me wrong I'm glad he's looking into cheaters but he needs to listen to comments and take them into consideration if hes gonna make a big show of it. You can't just dismiss things so easy in a pre-release game. With that being said the guy has a TON of talent and i hope he changes his ways a little and looks at things more objectively in the future.