Royal Blue Diatribe

I was you, Mr. Royal Blue, a year or so ago. Frustrated with my idleness, my laziness and my lack of all control. From time to time I'd burst out and try out something new; well, really, it was just to regain what I used to love to do.

But I had a wife, she controlled me. She wasn't demeaning, she was actually kind of nice. I'd get angry and shout and slam and break, I just lacked the control of my life.

You see, the pill for me, it wasn't here, it wasn't MRP. It was a fist through a door and a bleeding hand and a woman scared so shitless she didn't know it was me. I counselled myself, "Something has to change. There is something really wrong." I'm pissed off at my wife, my life, and I'm realizing it's almost gone.

I looked, and looked, to find someone to help with my ordeal. A therapist, for sure, really gave off that kind of feel. It took a while to dawn on me I needed someone trained. A guy, better than I, and adept in CBT. Now, I admit, I got lucky, I discovered NMMNG; and in my therapy, I found out he treated others just like me.

So to conclude, as it's really overdue, it was a year or so ago, that I came to realize, the problems inside, and its Mr. Royal Blue.

/r/askMRP Thread