Caught watching porn - Trust broken?

I don't think lying about something you do and then doing it anyway is a white lie at all. It's a trap you set up for yourself. You have to be honest and realistic what you say and then live up to it in order to be a real man. Otherwise I see 2 conclusions: 1) you will want to watch porn but you can't because you lied to her and feel resentment and trapped, which forbids you from growing into the man you want to be 2) you will watch porn anyway behind her back and everytime you do, you will keep building up shame for it because thats not what you said you were going to do

Luckily, watching porn was something I admitted doing very early in our relationships and in a few years it wasn't a problem at all, although my wife started out with similar view of the fact. Lately, I realize that porn is an issue for me and I should dump that masculine energy into something better than beat myself and repress my true needs and wants. Until watching porn is a place of abundance for me again, I won't.

So if I were you I would consider stopping porn for my own good, come clean with wife about the past and then establish that if I later decide to watch porn again it is really my decision and she needs to consider how realistic and important her views are. If she's broken, it's not your job to fix her. When you stop bandaiding her she might even start repairing herself.

Sure, she might leave you, but if she does she will do so anyway eventually in the 2 possible outcomes where you stick to beta behavior. Also if she left for the truth she probably doesn't have it in her to tag along for the red pill ride all the way anyway if she chooses to exit. If that happens then you need to walk the walk and eventually find a partner that doesn't have a problem with who you are.

/r/askMRP Thread