RP price adjustment in Europe

A positive yoy growth is inflation.

LOL no, no it's not. I highly suggest you consult an economics textbook before commenting further. http://www.tradingeconomics.com/euro-area/inflation-cpi

Yes but that is just because of lazy countries like Greece or Italy. I live in Norway and we are not so lazy, so we contribute more (also we are the happiest country on earth).

I wouldn't be so proud just yet. Your oil production and revenues are both in steep decline, and Norges Bank is not happy with the current situation because they're being forced to ease more and more aggressively. There's a reason your own currency's declined more than the Euro over the past year.

But we were talking about Europe in general. Why did you say the European economy is going in the dumpster if now you see Europe is no entity?

It's simply how it works currently in macroecon and finance. "European" usually refers to the Eurozone, and thus doesn't usually include the UK, non-Finnish Nordics, or Switzerland. A concrete example for you: http://etfdb.com/etf/HEDJ/#fact-sheet. That's the "Europe Hedge Equity Fund." Scroll a third of the way down the page to the country exposure. Do you see anyone outside the EZ?

Totally depends on which part of Europe you're talking about.

Costs and culture vary significantly across the US too - you don't see us asking for PPP RP adjustments based on our location. Again, your VAT alone is 3-4x as high as regional sales taxes in the US. I live in NYC, one of the most expensive cities in the US. And I can order 2-3x as much food for the same cost as the average in Norway. In non-urban US areas I've seen sizzling 22oz (600+g) steaks for $15. How much does that cost in Norway?

Also, if we don't have to pay thousands of dollars for going to a university, what's the problem?

There is no problem, it's a good system. The money has to come from somewhere though, and the result is higher prices. You can't be so naive as to think there's no cost to benefits. You just aren't paying them right now.

Except that there was a lot of complaint on other forums about other regions. Reddit is mostly visited by Americans (I think it was 50%), then Europe (like 40%) and then the rest. Of course you will find more posts about NA or Europe here. If you actually visited other forums, you'd see that there was a lot of complaining going on there too.

I'm talking about the official LoL forums. And no, basically only EU - check again.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread