rubber tree i think? my mom bought online came with these white spots, any way to treat it?

Honestly I would set that plant on fire. Definitely send the photo to the seller and demand a refund.

It seems like that rubber plant got in contact with some other plants. I would focus on treating them asap with something that has spinosad (Captain jack dead bug brew). If those are indoor plants you can also try the systemic granules from bonide - I’ve seen some people recommending them.

I’ve never had a rubber plant, but if it is a plant that can survive outside you could try to keep us an outdoor plant. Other than treating with spinosad if you have natural predators they might be able to control the thrips. You have to check what would be according to where you live. I am in the south so would probably order some green lace wing eggs if I had a thrip problem of that dimension. Your infestation is bad. Sorry!

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