Rugby balls part 2

ouch man, that sounds really serious, I hope the recovery goes swimmingly! I can definitely relate.

Back in elementary school there was a particularly grungy and very steep staircase that I fell down as I lost my footing on the steps. I fell backwards and slid down the stairs on my back and unfortunately for me there was an erect nail on one of the steps where the metal strip was meant to be. Needless to say it dug in to a rather inconvenient place and I was convinced I'd definitely lost one, if not two of the boys given the blood. I was screaming and crying and generally physically combative to came close and tried to help because my mind was clouded by the intense hurt, and my distress made all the kids around me panic and scream as well. Then Mrs Gunderson the school principal happened to arrive at the catastrophic scene and she paused at the bottom of the same steps with utmost horror in her eyes. She knew who I was and never liked me. She acted like a massive bitch because soon after she just staunched me with complete contempt and vicious underlying malice, roaring that this had happened way too often and for me to see her in her office immediately. Nevermind that I was writhing in pain...

So anyway, my traumatized self struggles get himself to her office alone, having scared off any remaining kids because of my glass shattering melancholic wails. The exact second I stepped in she chucked an aggressive rage at me, but I wasn't paying any attention because I felt like I was about to faint. Luckily she was only mean and not stupid because she noticed and got the school nurse to stitch up my balls and administer some immediate pain relief. She wasted no time in my face again; she wasn't sympathetic at all, she was so angry. She went on a tirade about how she was sick of my antics and was going to make me leave the school. About how I was one of the bigger ones in the class who people looked up to, how people followed me. About how they learned from me. She made it explicit that it wasn't acceptable to be violent and loud to any student, regardless of being injured or not. I got the last laugh anyway though because I got mad workers' compensation from that tosser in addition to the state pension a few years early (forced early retirement).

Balls are all fine now though.

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