Russia... Russia... Russia...

I wonder if you honestly would agree with your above statement had Hillary been elected with the same alleged Russian influence? My guess, had she won and then these allegations surfaced, it would have sickened you to think that SHE directly benefited when our democracy was subverted by our long time adversary. I think we both know the outrage you would have felt....& rightfully so. I'm sure you would rightfully be calling for investigations to find out if she had colluded with the interference, and had made promises to show favoritism with her foreign policy. I know I would....I love America and our democracy is it's backbone, so I don't see how the result of the election should change that outrage, unless of course your outrage isn't really directed at our possible subverted democracy, but instead is directed at "the other side winning", or "liberals".

And while I agree with you that Trump was elected legally by the American people, I again have to wonder if Hillary would have won the election, would your "she was fairly elected" stance have remained the same after these Russian interference allegations surfaced? Maybe, maybe not.

"But America has influenced other countries elections"....yea, that makes us hypocrites, and isn't something I support. So your argument is "we do it to others, so Russia can do it do us"? Based on that line of logic, we drone strike a lot of different people, so I guess they can drone strike us?

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