Russian spy: Corbyn warns against 'hasty judgements' - BBC News

The thing that annoys me with the attacks on Corbyn both within and without Labour are that they come from the position of wanting to look strong by attacking Corbyn.

Asking for evidence and making sure that international law is upheld is basic parliamentary procedure and the role of the leader of the opposition.

Too many MPs seem to want to go all dirty harry and suspend basic principles of international diplomacy so they don't look like a pussy. The easiest way to look tough is to bully the weak looking position. The problem is that this doesn't make you look tough to the Russians and it gives people nothing.

With this said, in almost all certainty this was a brazen and disgusting Russian attack and people are right to be pissed of about it. The Russian response has been childish. However, the moment we abandon principles is risking another Iraq war. Its tough not to be emotional in these time, that why we should have MPs that are prepared to act like adults. Leave it to the media to bark like dogs.

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