Ryuu ga waga teki go fuck yourself

You are actually mistaken. As /u/Riaayo said up above... "Hanzo offers different utility with how his arrows work. So on the surface, the hitscan with more damage seems OP. But Hanzo can just low arrows around even if he doesn't see someone in front of him, and there's the chance they will walk out around the corner and get pegged by something he already shot. Widowmaker's ult doesn't kill anyone, either. It'd a great ult, and it's very helpful. But it doesn't blast through a wall and potentially smear 5 people. Her rifle is also decent, but she doesn't really have a lot of close up tools beyond it. The mine isn't a right-click tube like soldier 76's, and her hook is on a pretty long cooldown. If the enemy team is actually playing against her with something like a Winston, she can't do much with him in her face. The only time Widowmaker bugged me was when there were two good ones on another team, supporting other people who were also doing a good job... while we weren't so much. In fact really the only time I start to think something feels fucky in this game is when multiples start getting involved. Which I hate to say, because I don't like the idea of limiting what players can do. But so far anything relating to a character that has gotten on my nerves, has never been something I didn't feel a counter existed to. Its when people "lock in" their characters at the start and never change that problems start to occur. Especially if the team lacks communication or the group didn't try to synergize on top. But OW is very rock-paper-scissors in that the game demands you adapt to what your opponent is doing by switching to something to counter. That is, sadly, something a lot of people don't seem to want to do. Or, at the very least, don't entirely understand."

It's the way the game has to be otherwise it simply wouldn't work or would take up to many resources.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com