It‘s over..

This subreddit has reached peak retardedness.

I strongly suspect that there is a large overlap who post this kind of low-effort garbage, and those who are losing money by the cartwheel. I can clearly picture the Venn diagram.

Don't delude yourself: you're not a "hodler" with bad luck - you're the patsy that is being dumped on.

All you'll be able to tell your children about the crypto years is how it was "wild" and "you made a few hundreds of play money" - and you won't even be sure of this, because your accounting is shit.

At any rate you'll have to hide the fact that all you were doing during this time was looking at CMC and Blockfolio 173 times a day, buying absolute shit that others were peddling at all-time highs, and posting low-effort memes.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread