"This sagacious gaze"

When I was in 8th grade we had to watch CNN student news every day in history and take a quiz on it at the end of the week. I just so happened to realize at the end of the second or third week I didn't pay attention to any of them so I went on the website to look at them again and I found the quiz with the same exact format for that week and copied down all the answers and put them on a sheet of notebook paper to look at during the quiz (we were allowed notes we took during the videos). I ended up doing this every day and only told 3 of my close friends about it and halfway through the year, I was walking in and handed my friend the paper I wrote the answers on for that week and the teacher saw. She pulled me aside, took the paper, said it was cheating, and told me she'd always catch me when I try. That was hilarious because every time I "tried" other than that I wasn't being too discreet about it because I didn't think she would make too big of a deal about it, as I thought she would have seen me the countless other times I did it. I continued to do it throughout the year and she never caught me again. It was great to see her pathetic attempt at intimidation.

/r/iamverysmart Thread Link - imgur.com