Sakushi Part 4: The Lord of Iron!

Liruh's kicks connected completely with Seok. Seok began spinning around on his back, oddly enough, he said something about sharing.

Liruh: Share wha-

Liruh was interrupted by cannon fire, looking over he saw the giant vice admiral shoot cannon balls from his body. They grew to normal size after leaving his body for a few seconds and then came hurling towards Liruh & Nuovale. Off guard Liruh kicked the cannon ball over in Nuovales direction aiming for Caesar. Turning back towards Seok he saw green liquid coming right towards hi with chunks of recently eaten pastries.

Liruh: Oh fuck, of course!

Putting his arms up to block his face, the acid touched his skin, hurting but not burning on impact. To avoid a strong burn Liruh created gauntlets around his arms, pushing the acid back to the ground.

Liruh: Damn, that was disgusting you shit! Making me use my devil fruit powers!

Liruh knew now that the Vice admiral had entered the fray, Liruh would need to finish off this guy quick and help Nuovale. So, he created a medium sized cubic room trapping Liruh & Seok inside. Liruh took off at full speed, bouncing off the various walls inside the cube. Unknown to Seok, Liruh threw four tiny red spiky balls toward him. Two behind him & two in front. Then making a small hole Liruh jumped out of the room in just mere seconds the small spiky balls traveling toward Seok grew exponentially larger and larger with the passing second.

Liruh: Checkmate, mon copain.

Turning towards the Vice Admiral he decided to have a chat.

Liruh: Whats up? The names Liruh, captain of the Red Skull pirates. Mind if we take a little break until my friend over there finishes kicking your friends ass?


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