Sanders on campaign violence: "That's not what we do"

And background checks do what exactly? They don't stop anything.

They don't enforce shit. You want compromise. Let's do something to prove your total goal isn't complete disarmament. How about nation ccw reciprocity. Put that on the table.

Your other issue a lot of gun owners are about to just go rouge but I guess that is the point right? Just make it so grey that at some point everyone who owns a gun breaks the law.

Estimated 95% non compliance in NY. 95% of the people went fuck off. You think people will follow a national registration? Bernie voted for Feinstein's ban which would have turned nearly ever single rifle with a detachable mag into an nfa item, required a 200 per gun tax, registration, and surrendering the weapon on death.

So again NY and CT have less restrictive bills passed with 95% noncompliance. Who's blood will you spill when people don't follow the law and it make a government look like a little punk bitch when they can't or won't enforce laws on the books. You think LEO will go door to door? The left hates the cops and the sheriffs in NY are already going meh. Further now that people are already breaking one gun law you might as well break them all.

The Dems are being stupid. And finally with 300 million weapons in circulation just give it up. Even an outright repeal of the 2nd A will take centuries to remove weapons and you'll still never get all the weapons. We aren't compromising until that means the left giving something up.

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