Saturday Megathread 10/29/16 | Ask Your Final Fantasy XIV Related Questions Here!

I hit level 50 on ALL DoH/DoL a few weeks ago (yay me!!!) but because my highest Adventure level was only 33 at the time, I hit a wall. I was/am not permitted to progress on ANY of my crafting until at least one Adv hits 50. A monumentally bad design decision, if you ask me (crafting should NEVER be gated by adventure), but it is what it is and I can't change it.

I've been working to try to push through the story so I can get back to my first love, Crafting. I've managed to get my Adventure level to 46. It was my understanding that hitting 50 and registering Heavensward was all I needed to begin getting new crafting quests and, more importantly, to resume earning Crafting/Gathering experience.

However, a response to a post I made a few days ago has led me to believe that I can't start earning Crafting experience again until I hit Adventure 58. I'm confused (and quite disheartened). I've been trying to research more about regarding this, but can't find any additional info. I assume everything written about crafting after 50 assumes the reader has at least 1 Adv at 50.

Can someone clarify this for me please? Thanks!

/r/ffxiv Thread