AITA for telling my single mom sister she should get more realistic when it comes to her dating standards?

She’s also 32 and college educated. It’s not unreasonable that seeks a partner at the very least in their late 20’s and college educated as well. Once again while we don’t know location, if your looking in a large metro area I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that there’s a reasonably high percentage of men who are college educated. I don’t think you have to set 40 as an age cap, I think 45 is a probably a sound upper limit, in which the median salary of college educated men between 40-45 is probably fairly close to 80k.

I think you’re exaggerating a bit, a 30-45 year old guy who makes over 80k isn’t exactly a unicorn, especially if she lives in a reasonably large metro area. 80k isn’t bringing supermodels flocking to you and many cities you’re not even in a position to be able to buy a home at that income. Shit I’m a married dude living in major metro making 90k as an individual and 150k household, we’re not even close to buying a house money.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent