To get Saudi Arabia to allow women competitors, The Olympics Committee invited a 16 year old girl to compete in the Olympics at Judo, despite being only having done Judo for 2 years, being only a blue belt, not qualified based off regional or international rankings. She lost in 82 seconds.

Feminism as a large scale movement is not needed anymore, no, Women now have all the same rights and responsibilities as men (Besides the Draft, which they don't seem to want anyways but will probably get anyways)

Women in the US today are like the new guy hired at a job, Feminism was needed to get you the job, get in and give you a chance to prove yourself, you're there now, you've made it. Now you just need to keep your head down, blend in, do a good job just like everyone else to succeed and prove that you belong to be there. You don't need to keep giving your boss your CV and campaigning for why you still need to be there.

I honestly believe that putting women like Oprah, or Beyonce or Hillary Clinton on a pedestal and saying "Look! Women can do everything men can too! yeah! Feminism!" Is more harmfull for the mentality of equality for young women than it does good because it comes of as dishonest. If "Women can do everything men can do" why would you feel the need the emphasize it every time a woman does something "Just as good as a man" Like it's a rare occurrence?

A lot of the remaining womens issues (The wage gap, the "Sexism in STEM studies" Sexism in games etc etc) are down to womens own choices, and not the "oppression of the patriarchy" The "Wage gap" just looks at average income earned in a year by women, and average income earned by men, and does not take into account the fact that for the last 20 years fewer women study educations that lead to higher paid jobs like STEM Majors, they study womens history, sociology and philosophy, jobs that, unless you get VERY lucky, only qualifies you to say the phrase "Do you want fries with that?" This is not a "Feminist issue"

Sexism in STEM Majors is just not enough women applying, nothing to do with sexism.

Sexism in gaming is because not enough women are game designers, and the ones who are just scream "SEXISM!" whenever they design a game and it gets rejected and doesn't sell well. If you're so convinced it's sexism, do what authors have done for generations to help women get credit as equal authors, publish under a fake, male, name.

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