Torn ACL/Meniscus 8 months ago and now torn pec/bicep. Is it time to quit BJJ?

I think it’s entirely possible - and much more within your control than you think - to dictate the intensity, and therefore the risk, of your training. I know that doesn’t completely negate the risk, but I also think maybe there’s a good middle ground.

As someone who’s also been getting lots of injuries recently, I’ve been more selective of who I roll or randori with, more picky about the weight difference, esp for judo, more cautious when checking out new gyms or open mats, opting for lower risk moves, and just being more attentive to (and just straight up studying up on) possible injury points. I’m personally of the belief that injury prevention is, or should be, a category of training in and of itself. As in, it’s something that you should research, train and drill just like you would for other skills so that you can get better at anticipating, recognizing, and preventing injuries. And minimizing the damage if all else fails.

/r/bjj Thread