Schizophrenics of reddit, what were the first signs of your break from reality and how would you warn others for early detection?

It started for me in college.. my roommate had moved out recently and I lived by myself for a little while. I had been smoking weed and began hearing voices, quiet at first, not my usual internal narrator. I wondered what was causing it or where it came from.

Eventually late one night, laying down I heard the voices getting louder, a few different voices talking to me. They were talking like a hypnotist would... or how i assumed a hypnotist talked... they were talking quietly and repeating things or actions. It seemed to me they were trying to subconsciously persuade me to act or do things without me noticing they were there. At first I freaked out and cut my pillow open thinking there was some small device outputting some sort of wave or sound that my brain was receiving.. I hadn't worked out the details..

Well eventually I was able to get them to talk back and have conversations in my head. They told me they were a filming agency testing out (illegaly), new voice to skull technology made to help actors receive cues and directions during filming. As I tried saying I would go to the police or hospital, they promised money, and they threatened to hurt me, my family, and made me believe that other people were being subconsciously averted from helping me, and I would end up right back where I started, that there was no escape.

Over the next few weeks I was lead to believe that every move I made was orchestrated and that i was a puppet on strings. Some voices seemed to have distinct features and I would try to string together these features to determine if it was the same person. I was trying to identify if these people had schedules or work shifts. Sometimes they would terrorize me and then a different voice would come in and console me. Arguing was almost always pointless I couldn't outsmart these fucking voices.

My self esteem was very low and I irrationally started to become attached and became a "good listener". And the voices began testing out the extremes of what I would do from saying random weird things to strangers to almost stealing some random mini kooper, ( I got as far as opening the door and finding the keys).

Eventually I ended up believing some unknown international group had "targeted" me with some sort of voice to skull technology, was led to do some weird extreme things in public. Was accumalating police reports all over the city from people I had yelled at thinking they were paid hitmen stopping me from going to the hospital or police. I tried checking in at a hospital because "there's a device in my ear and I need to be seen right away to have it removed." I was convinced very quickly by my voices that I fucked up big time and I would be punished so I left before they seen me.

Eventually the police caught up with me, and asked me about what was going on. The voice inside my head told me to repeat what he said to the cop. I ended up shaking hands with the cop agreeing no more trouble and walking home for the night.

The next day after some more of my strange activities the cops found me again and didnt allow me to leave, I began to freak out and ask them if they were paid to kill me because they all had their hands on their holster at this point.

Long story short I was taken to a hospital, then a small section of a large mental facility where there were a lot of people acting very strange just like me. It was very uncomfortable, my first roommate woke me up in the middle of the night standing over me saying weird shit and I just pretended to sleep and he eventually went back to bed. My second roommate out of the blue just whipped out his **** and started **cking off when I came in, to which he told the advisors that he "got the wrong impression" when I freaked out. Overall the place was really uncomfortable but the regulation, regular meals and the meds helped my mind start a process of recovering. I was released the day after christmas.

I tried my best to not bring this on again but a year later I was fired from my decently high paying job, work injury drug test showed that I smoked pot and the stress brought on a whole onslaught of events. Similar issues hearing voices, different mental hospital.

I'm doing much better now and avoid drugs like the plague. but I always get worried this time of year because right before winter is when these issues always come back

A good way to detect this is by mentioning very early on to your family you've been having weird symptoms like hearing voices or seeing things or history of.. If it worsens your mind will try to cover it's own ass by rationalizing it's own insanity and you will have a very hard time talking to someone about it. So have family on the lookout for you.

Tldr: heard voices hypnotizing me, thought it was voicetoskull tech. Forced to mental hospital.

/r/AskReddit Thread